
Watertown Solar FAQ

Why solar?2024-01-24T01:19:42+00:00

The U.S. solar industry is growing at a rapid pace, both with systems installed for onsite use (residential, commercial and industrial properties) and with utility-scale solar power-electric generation facilities intended for wholesale distribution, such as Watertown Solar. From 2013 to 2018, the amount of electricity generated from solar quadrupled, increasing by 444% (SEIA, 2020). A primary driver for the sharp pace of this growth is the significant price declines of solar equipment, which increased the affordability of solar energy. The state of Michigan has set a goal to produce 60% of its energy from renewable sources by 2035 and to be carbon-neutral by 2040. In addition, the state’s largest electric utilities, Consumers Energy and DTE, have plans to reduce their carbon output by adding more solar to their electric fleet. These policy initiatives will create a steady increase in demand for utility-scale solar developments in Michigan. 


Is solar energy expensive? Will this project raise my electricity bills?2021-09-29T19:40:14+00:00

Watertown Solar will not cause an increase in local electricity prices. Since 2010, the cost of solar power has dropped by more than 89% and is now one of the lowest-cost options for electricity generation. When comparing unsubsidized, levelized costs of energy, utility-scale solar energy is comparable in price to wind energy and natural gas power and is significantly more cost-effective than coal or nuclear power. Solar also produces electricity during the daytime, when demand and power costs are the highest, helping close the gap between electricity supply and electricity demand. This has the effect of lowering electricity costs across the board (https://www.seia.org).

Where will the power generated from the Project go?2024-02-13T18:41:08+00:00

The power from Watertown Solar will be delivered into the local Michigan electrical grid through available transmission lines, helping to diversify the state’s energy portfolio. This is the same pool that supplies all Michigan consumers with electricity, and power generated by the Project may be used both locally and transmitted to where it is needed based on demand.

Are solar panels noisy?2024-02-07T00:06:10+00:00

Solar panels themselves are completely silent, however, certain pieces of equipment on a solar farm do emit sound. Transportation and maintenance equipment – including cars, trucks, lawnmowers, and string trimmers – are common sources of noise on solar farms that most people are used to hearing elsewhere. In addition to these sources, inverters and transformers on a solar farm will generate low levels of sound, similar to an ambient hum, that is not typically audible from beyond the solar project boundaries.

Click here for more information on the About Solar Farms page.


What are the visual impacts of solar?2024-02-07T00:06:39+00:00

Samsung has conducted multiple studies on the visual impacts. The proposed landscape buffer plan includes planting of native vegetation to assist in supplemental buffers and screening of the solar panels.

How will the Project impact farmland and local agriculture?2024-02-09T19:56:24+00:00

Solar development and agricultural use can exist not only side-by-side, but increasingly are found together. Solar farms help farmers and landowners diversify their income by providing a reliable, drought-resistant revenue stream. This steady income means that farmers are less vulnerable to fluctuations in market prices on their products, uncertain trade regimes, and volatile annual weather, thus helping farmers stay in business. In addition, responsible solar development could provide benefits to both agriculture and ecosystems by improving soil health, retaining water, nurturing native species, and support native pollinators which support local food production (https://www.seia.org).

Once solar panels are removed, can the land be used again for agriculture?2021-09-29T00:42:25+00:00

When a solar project is properly decommissioned, farming can once again resume on that land. This is a stark contrast to other developments, which often leaves land unusable for agriculture. After panels are installed, native vegetation – often friendly to bees and other pollinators – may be planted. The deep roots of native vegetation retain more water than turf grass and gravel during heavy storms and periods of drought. They also help retain topsoil and improve soil health over time. (https://www.seia.org).

Watertown Solar will take appropriate measures to maintain the drainage systems in place on agricultural land so that land may be restored to agricultural use after the decommissioning of solar equipment, if so desired. These measures will be in compliance with the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD).  If proper drainage is not maintained, the land may revert into a wetland area which may come under State of Michigan regulation. If the land becomes a wetland regulated by the state, the land may not be used for farming (https://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdard/Solar_Panel_PA_116_FAQ_684966_7.pdf).

What happens to solar panels at the end of their life?2021-09-29T00:42:48+00:00

As part of the permitting process, Watertown Solar will provide a complete, detailed decommissioning plan that is funded by an irrevocable form of financial security to cover decommissioning costs. This ensures that money is always available to remove the solar farm if or when it is no longer operable. At the end of a solar facility’s useful life (30 years on average), panels can be removed and recycled. Up to 90% of the materials used in panels, much of which is glass, are recyclable.

Are solar panels toxic?2021-09-29T19:43:15+00:00

Watertown Solar will utilize monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, which account for over 90% of solar PV panels installed today. These panels use a crystal lattice of silicon atoms to convert sunlight into electricity. Silicon is the second-most-abundant material on Earth (after oxygen) and the most common semiconductor used in computer chips (https://www.energy.gov/eere/solar/articles/solar-photovoltaic-cell-basics). It is nontoxic and does not pose a material risk to public health or safety.

Can solar panels affect my health?2021-09-29T19:43:49+00:00

Unlike other energy sources, solar energy does not produce emissions that may cause negative health effects or other environmental damage. Solar farms produce lower electromagnetic field exposure than most household appliances, such as TVs and cell phones, and numerous studies have concluded that solar panels are not linked to any adverse human health issues. On the contrary, they have proved beneficial to human health by displacing the air pollution caused by fossil fuel electric generation, conserving clean water, and reducing the harmful impacts of climate change. An extensive North Carolina State University study examining the fire, safety, and public health risks of utility-scale solar energy projects, including concerns regarding toxicity, electromagnetic fields, and electric shock potential, concluded that “the negative health and safety impacts of utility-scale PV solar development were shown to be negligible, while the public health and safety benefits of installing these facilities are significant and far outweigh any negative impacts.”(https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/health-and-safety-impacts-of-solar-photovoltaics).

Can a solar farm cause a Heat Island effect?2021-09-29T19:44:35+00:00

Like roads or parking lots, solar farms with dark modules may cause a small amount of local heating due to the panels’ absorption of solar radiation and their minimal heat generation.⁷ However, there is little evidence of any negative impacts from this effect. Research shows that any additional heating caused by panels is concentrated at the immediate solar farm site and dissipates quickly. No effect can be measured just 100 feet away from the solar facilities  (Greg A. Barron-Gafford et al., “The Photovoltaic Heat Island Effect: Larger Solar Power Plants Increase Local Temperatures,” Scientific Reports 6, article no. 35070 (2016), https://www.nature.com/articles/srep35070), (Graham Binder, “Researchers discover solar heat island effect caused by large-scale solar power plants,” Phys Org, November 7, 2016, https://phys.org/news/2016-11-solar-island-effect-large-scale-power.html#jCp)

What happens when it is cloudy outside?2021-09-29T00:44:21+00:00

Even on a cloudy day, solar panels still produce between 10% and 25% of their typical output. Sanilac County has some of the highest levels of annual sunlight in Michigan, making it a cost-effective region for generating electricity from solar farms. Advanced tracking systems also enable solar panels to follow the sun throughout the day and maximize the amount of electricity generated.

During snow or extreme cold weather, will the Project still generate energy?2024-02-09T19:56:09+00:00

You might be surprised to learn that sunny, cold weather is an ideal condition for solar panels to perform optimally—and that extremely hot climates actually make solar panels less efficient. As far as snow is concerned, a light dusting of snow has little impact on the panels and can be easily blown off by wind. Because panels are tilted at an angle, snow will also slide off panels over time, cleaning them as it melts. In addition, snow is reflective. By having snow on the ground near the panels, the snow’s white surface reflects like a mirror and produces even more electricity.

Will anything be placed on my property without my permission?2024-02-09T23:04:53+00:00

Project components will only be sited on private properties whose owners sign a lease agreement with Watertown Solar. All agreements are fully voluntary between landowners and the Project.

What benefits will I see if I am not hosting solar panels on my land?2024-02-09T23:04:32+00:00

Watertown Solar will provide for 35 years of annual property tax revenue, totaling $21.1 million over the life of the Project, split between Sanilac County, Watertown Township, and local school districts. The Project will also bring over 128 jobs to Sanilac County during the construction phase, six long-term direct jobs, and additional local spending related to project construction, operations, and maintenance. (Loomis, Dr. David, “Economic Impact and Land Use Analysis of Watertown Solar Project”, Aug. 2023)

Are neighboring property values impacted by solar projects?2024-02-07T00:08:02+00:00

Recent research supports the conclusion that solar panels do not decrease property values. Furthermore, there is no discernible impact on property values regardless of whether solar farms are located near residential, agricultural, or industrial properties.¹  Studies have also found that substantial benefits are flowing to communities where solar farms are located. A report by the University of North Carolina examined the economic impact of more than 100 solar projects in over 50 countries and found that solar facilities have increased the tax revenue from agricultural property by between 1,000% and 10,000%.

¹CohnReznick, LLP, “Property Value Impact Study: Proposed Newark Road Solar Energy Use,” May 2018; Kirkland Appraisals, LLC, “Flatwood Solar Impact Study,” April 2018, http://www.chathamnc.org/home/showdocument?id=39355.

²Alsey Davidson et al., “Analyzing the Impact of Utility-scale Solar Installations on Local Government Revenue in Counties Across North Carolina,” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, UNC Institute for the Environment, December 2015.

Why is maintaining drain tiles important?2024-01-24T01:29:51+00:00

Watertown Solar will take appropriate measures to maintain the drainage systems in place on agricultural land so that land may be restored to agricultural use after the decommissioning of solar equipment, if so desired. These measures will be in compliance with the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD). If proper drainage is not maintained, the land may revert into a wetland area which may come under State of Michigan regulation. If the land becomes a wetland regulated by the state, the land may not be used for farming.

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